Growing in God’s Merciful Love Capital Stewardship Campaign


We invite friends and visitors to prayerfully consider making a final contribution to this meaningful project. No gift is too small! Please complete a pledge card or make an online contribution towards the Capital Campaign by clicking on the GIVING link in the home page menu. Your generous response will help us to be the Hands and Feet of Christ in our community! Thank you!

As you will see, the physical plan has evolved to reflect the needs and the input of our faith community, but our fundraising goal has not changed: One million dollars from inside the Parish and one million dollars from outside of the Parish. As to date, our parishioners have pledged $871,631.20 and outside pledges total $516,592.00.

Follow-Up Efforts in the Second Year of Growing in God’s Merciful Love Capital Stewardship Campaign

Growing in God’s Merciful Love Capital Stewardship Campaign

The Capital Stewardship Campaign began in August 2016 to build a larger Church on our campus.

Feasibility Update Letter

On Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016, adding to the joy of celebrating Christ the Lord triumphantly rising from the dead, the leadership of the parish shared with the entire community the results of the Feasibility Study which began in January. The results are so positive! Click on the link below to read the entire letter. Please continue to keep the parish in prayer as we prepare to move forward with Christ leading us. Amen.

Parish-Wide Feasibility Study

After extensive planning, which began in May 2015, a plan has emerged. In September, it was presented to our Bishop to seek his input. The Bishop suggested that we have a “parish-wide feasibility study” to obtain feedback about the plans and ask about future needs. The feasibility study included a combination of mailed surveys and individual personal interviews.

The Breton Group consulting company was hired to help gather and sort through parishioner feedback. In January of 2016, parishioners should have received information about the plan and a short survey in the mail to complete and return. Some parishioners were asked to personally meet with a member of The Breton Group for a confidential interview. Please click to see the CASE FOR SUPPORT which is the essential document of parish-wide feasibility study.

We pride ourselves in living out the charism and values of
what makes our parish distinctly Catholic.