Responsibilities of a Stewardship Committee

  1. Carry out the Stewardship Effort of time, talent, and treasure on an annual basis. These efforts usually run two or three weekends every year. On the first weekend of a two-weekend effort and on each of the first two weekends of a three-weekend effort the pastor would deliver a homily on stewardship and a lay person or couple would give a personal testimony on how stewardship is lived out in their life or lives. The last weekend would always be a Commitment Sunday, where parishioners would bring their commitment cards of time, talent and treasure to Mass and place them in a basket.
  2. Recruit individuals and/or couples to share their personal testimonies about stewardship with the parishioners. The lay witness testimony is probably the most educational, motivational, and important part of the stewardship effort. The lay witness talk makes stewardship very real and practical for the people in the pews. The lay witnesses should be individuals from the parish who believe and practice the principals of stewardship in their own lives-those who give of their time, talent, and treasure.
  3. Prepare a time and talent list or catalog of parish activities and organizations, and keep the list or catalog current. A time and talent list or catalog gives parishioners an opportunity to become aware of the number and type of volunteer ministries available in the parish.  They may range from altar server to youth group counselor. Some parishes develop an actual pamphlet or catalog that provides a detailed description of each group or activity. Others may use a simple listing with little details. While the primary emphasis is on current groups or activities, items that you would like to start can be added.
  4. Ensure that those who volunteer are contacted and asked to become involved. It is important that the stewardship committee works with the appropriate parish commissions and groups to ensure that those who commit of their time and talent are personally invited to become involved. If people are not contacted and instead just have their names put in a book or in a computer, then they will not get involved in future stewardship efforts. They will also start to believe that stewardship is only about money.
  5. Evaluate the stewardship effort and awareness efforts on an annual basis. All elements of the stewardship effort in the parish need to be evaluated. Review comments, criticisms and questions received with commitment cards. Evaluate the written materials used throughout the year-letters, brochures, bulletin announcements, newsletter articles, etc. discuss the verbal presentations-are the homilies and lay witness testimonies getting the stewardship message across? What more could we be doing to get stewardship information out to people? What kind of results are we getting from the stewardship effort? Always look to the spiritual life of the parish when evaluating stewardship. Do these efforts bring people closer to God? What symptoms of spiritual change are evident in the parish?
  6. Publicize stewardship thoughts throughout the year in the parish bulletin. It is very easy to put a few lines about stewardship in the bulletin each week. With little effort, it can be one way to keep the stewardship message in front of people on a regular basis. These reflections can include Scripture quotes, quotes from books/magazines, etc.
  7. Make appropriate stewardship literature available in the parish booklet racks. Including stewardship brochures or pamphlets in the booklet rack provides people the opportunity to read and learn about stewardship apart from any brochures that may be used for the annual effort. Rotate three or four brochures throughout the year.
  8. Publicize stewardship reflections in the parish newsletter or on a quarterly basis. Stewardship reflections could include profiles of individuals or couples in the parish are committed to stewardship, Q & A on stewardship, commentaries on stewardship, ministry spotlights, etc.
  9. Incorporate comments about stewardship in the Sunday homilies.
  10. Encourage support for stewardship through the Prayers of the Faithful.  The committee can develop Prayers of the Faithful with a stewardship message.
  11. Develop a welcoming program for new parishioners.
  12. Develop a commissioning service for those who volunteer in parish ministries.
  13. Show appreciation for those who are involved in parish volunteer ministry.
  14. Develop a program of stewardship education to be incorporated into the faith formation program for children, youth and adults.
  15. Add a children’s component to parish stewardship efforts. Include children in the 2 or 3 weekend stewardship effort.
  16. Provide opportunities for gifts discernment. Parishioners should be given an opportunity to help discover their own spiritual gifts and then use those gifts in service to others. Parish stewardship efforts can include programs and workshops on the discernment process.
  17. Provide in service and continuing education for stewardship committee. The committee should attend diocesan-wide programs, regional workshops and/or National Catholic Stewardship’s annual conference.
  18. Develop an annual plan. Each committee should develop a yearly plan that includes the organization and preparation for the 2 or 3 weekend effort as well as monthly awareness activities.
  19. Expand your focus beyond the parish. Consider spreading the message of stewardship beyond the parish.
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