Are you a woman looking to deepen your faith and draw closer to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament? Do enjoy fellowship with other parishioners and long to connect with others through our Catholic faith? We are looking to start a Blessed Converstation Study through Blessed is She here at St. John Paul II. Our first study will be Dwell which is a study on the Eucharist. “Through narrative reflections, Church teaching, Scripture, and wisdom from the Saints, this 15-session study focuses on these five ways that Jesus changes our lives when we invite Him in to dwell within us.”
Our group will meet once a month on the first Friday of each month and welcomes women of all ages. The first meeting with be November 4th at 6:30pm. If you are interested in signing up please email Morgan Afton at morgrewafton@gmail.com or Jennifer Shackett at jennifershackett84@gmail.com by October 14th so we have enough time to order and prepare materials. https://blessedisshe.net/product/dwell/