Every Tuesday night from 5:30-6:30, we provide a free meal to our community. On average, we serve between 40-60 people. These are people who come to us who need a warm meal, a safe place to spend time, or who just need social interaction. We provide all of that. We have dedicated parishioners and friends who make homemade meals at home and bring them in to serve to those who gather with us.
We see the face of Jesus every Tuesday as these once strangers now walk in our door as family. As our guests walk in the door, they hug our volunteers. If someone new comes for dinner, they walk around the tables and introduce them to the group.
We started this ministry in hopes we could make a small difference in the lives of these people. However, we are finding these people are making a difference in all of our lives.
Please contact the Parish office if you would be willing to help serve on one of our committees.
Gifts to share: Willingness to work on a team to set up, serve a meal and clean up. Willingness to socialize with those coming for a meal.
Commitment: Once a month
Please contact the Parish office if you would be willing to help serve on one of our committees.
Parish Office: 616-696-3904