Faith formation never ends – neither does learning about our faith. According to the National Directory for Catechesis “adults have a right and a duty to bring to maturity the seed of faith sown in them by God.” NDC #48A … In Matthew Kelly’s words – “To become the best version of yourself that God intends.” “Catechetical formation of adults is essential for the Church to carry out the commission given to the apostles by Christ.” NDC#48A It is so essential that the Bishops of the United States has written a document called “Our Hearts Were Burning” which stresses the importance of Adults continuing to form faith and learn about their faith. Learning takes on many forms – through Faith sharing, formal classes and informal gatherings, spiritual readings, scripture.
Adults are highly encouraged to take advantage of the Adult Faith offerings of our parishes – Like Conversations of Faith with Fr. Lam; Bible Studies, etc; classes through the Diocese; on-line learning; Aquinas.
We offer several studies through the liturgical year to enrich the on-going faith journeys of our parishioners. See our calendar for current study or event opportunities.